Small Group Swim Class

Coach Lora Erickson Triathlon Swimming

Three Small Group Swim Class will be offered weekly during November. All 4 session series classes will be held in Bountiful starting the first week of November. This is a triathlon specific swim class and each participate will be given feedback on their stroke and taught proper crawl stroke, breathing, and streamline techniques.The 3 classes are as follows:Tuesday Day: 11-12 a.m. starting Nov. 3rd, held on 10, 17 & 24.Wednesday Night (late): 9-10 p.m. starting Nov. 4th, held on 11, 18 & 25Friday Morning: 10-11 a.m. starting Nov. 6th, held 13, 20 & 27Each session is held once a week for one-hour. There are only 4 spots available in each class. Pre-payment is required to hold a spot in the class. Limited spots. Message Coach Lora Erickson, US Masters Level 1 & 2 Swim Coach, for pricing and details. Please indicate which class you are interested in.

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